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Ronnie Lee Kimble 


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Letter:  John Hatfield to ADA Richard Panosh, Munroe and Church interviews



May 6, 1997

Mr. R. E. Panosh
Assistant District Attorney

P. 0. Box 3008
Greensboro, NC 27402

Re: Ronnie Lee Kimble

Dear Mr. Panosh:

On April 16 Robert O'Hale, appointed counsel for the referenced defendant at the time, filed a request for voluntary discovery, specifically requesting written, recorded and oral statements of the defendant and his codefendant, Ted Kimble.

On April 25 I wrote you and requested voluntary discovery prior to the scheduled Rule 24 conference, particularly some documentation of the factual basis for the State's assertion of an aggravating factor.

On October 30, 1995 Major Gregory Monroe, a Navy investigator, interviewed Ronnie Lee Kimble at the request of Detective Jim Church of the Guilford County Sheriff's Department. The scope of the interview covered the circumstances of the death of Patricia Kimble and the activities of Ronnie Lee Kimble on October 9, 1995.

Subsequently a transcript of Major Monroe's interview of Ronnie Lee Kimble was turned over to Detective Church who read selected portions of it to Ronnie Lee Kimble during a long interview by Detective Church and S.B.I. Agent Pendergrass sometime in the summer of 1996.

Please provide me with all notes, audio tapes, transcripts and investigative reports of these two interviews of Ronnie Lee Kimble as soon as possible.

Mr. R. E. Panosh Page Two
May 6, 1997

Ronnie Lee Kimble is a good candidate for pretrial release. We need some appropriate voluntary discovery so that we can adequately prepare for the bond hearing which is scheduled for the week of May 26.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours,


John B. Hatfield, Jr.

JBHj r/ph




Published August 15, 2006.  Report broken links or other problems.

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