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Ronnie Lee Kimble 


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Statement, Patrick Pardee

[Transcript of handwritten statement]




On Sunday 25 May 97 Rev. Ron Kimble called me at my home around 4:00 P.M.  Mr. Kimble asked if I was going to go to court and testify against Ted.  Mr. Kimble told me that Ted told him that he,


SIGNED:  /signature/                    DATE: 5/27/97  TIME: 12:12




Ted, had never discussed Patricias murder with me.  I told him I was in the dark about a lot of things, that my attorney was taking care of everything.


Mr. Kimble said his attorney was not having much luck getting information from the District Attorney or the Detectives, but that he had heard that two people were going to court to testify against Ted so that it would help themselves out of trouble.  Mr. Kimble said that someone had told him that Rob Nicholes had told them he was going to testify against Ted and he wanted to know if I was going to testify against Ted also.


I told Mr. Kimble I didn't know what was going on or didn't tell him one way or the other what I was going to do.


I asked Mr. Kimble if Ted or Ronnie would get out of jail before their trial and he said he doubted if Ted would, but he said Ronnie might because his wife was pregnant and having some problems.


/signature/                                           Page 2 of 2







Published August 15, 2006.  Report broken links or other problems.

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